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Privacy and security of online purchases, Privacy Policy, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003

The personal data requested when placing the order are collected by Nesmed.it and processed on computer media, in order to meet the obligations arising from the contract concluded with the customer and will not under any circumstances and in any way transferred to third companies that they are not directly necessary for the conclusion of the contract. Personal data will not be used for sending advertising material, promotions and the like, as this activity must provide the express consent of the data owner.

Nesmed.it guarantees its Clients compliance with the regulations on the processing of personal data, governed by the privacy code referred to in Legislative Decree no. n. 196 of 30 June 2003.

The data controller is NESMED S.r.l. VIA FEDERICO ROSAZZA 38, 00153 Rome, in the person of the legal representative, unless a manager is appointed pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003.

Request for personal data cancellation
Personal data are collected for the purpose of registering the Client and activating the procedures for the execution of the present contract and the related necessary communications; these data are electronically processed in compliance with the laws in force and may be presented only upon request by the judicial authority or by other authorities for this purpose by authorizing law.

The interested party enjoys the rights referred to in art. 7 d. lgs. 196/2003, namely: to request confirmation of existence at the headquarters of NESMED S.r.l. of personal data; to know their origin, the logic and the purposes of their treatment; to get the update, correction, and integration; to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking in case of unlawful processing; to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons or in the case of use of data for sending advertising material, commercial information, market research, direct sales and interactive commercial communication.

Obtaining the cancellation of personal data is subject to sending a written communication sent by post to the headquarters of the company. NESMED S.r.l. is responsible for the collection of personal data. NESMED SRL, VIA FEDERICO ROSAZZA 38, 00153 Rome.

Security of personal data
The security standards used by Nesmed.it to make your personal information confidential and confidential, including "firewalls" and the transmission of data through SSL (Secure Socket Layer), are the highest in the state of the art. Furthermore, specific techniques are used to protect this data from unauthorized access by third parties. In any case, the minimum security measures indicated by the Privacy Code and subsequent modifications are guaranteed.
